9 Best anti aging tips for glossy and glowing skin

Use retinol products: This powerful skincare ingredient boosts collagen, improves skin tone and texture, and reduces wrinkles.

Use a facial massager: Boost blood flow and collagen production with a facial massager.

Wear sunscreen every day: Rain or shine, in every season, wearing sunscreen should be an automatic part of your daily routine, like brushing your teeth.

Opt for a serum: Serums contain a high concentration of active ingredients and are lightweight, so that they penetrate deeper into your skin to give maximum benefits.

Exfoliate regularly: Remove dead skin cells with a gentle exfoliant to reveal smoother skin.

Apply a facial moisturizer on a daily basis. Moisturizer traps water in our skin, giving it a younger appearance.

Consider Supplements: Certain seafood like salmon containing Omega-3s, can help keep skin moist and may even delay its maturing process by preventing wrinkles.

Don't smoke: Quit smoking to prevent premature aging and wrinkles.

Invest in laser treatments :If you're looking for fast results without the use of creams, laser treatments work wonders.

Remember, consistency and patience are key to achieving glossy and glowing skin!