9 Easy ways to look attractive and confident

Build self-confidence: Working on building your confidence can help you look good every day.

Make eye contact: Direct eye contact shows confidence and interest in others.

Stay healthy: Keep yourself as healthy as possibly by eating properly, getting enough sleep every night, and exercising regularly.

Speak slowly and clearly: Speaking slowly can make you seem more confident and knowledgeable. You can also lower your vocal range slightly to sound more authoritative.

Smile: Smiling can make you seem more confident, trustworthy, and attractive. The muscles used for smiling can also make you look younger.

Change up your wardrobe: When trying to dress confidently, you want to make sure you’re using colours and styles that match your personality and your figure.

Stand tall: Good posture conveys confidence and self-assurance.

Find your personal style: Experiment with different looks to find what works best for you.

 Groom yourself: Pay attention to personal hygiene and grooming habits.

Remember, confidence comes from within, and when you feel good about yourself, you're more likely to look attractive to others.