How to stop overthinking in 9 easy steps

Recognize your thoughts: Become aware of your thoughts and identify when you're overthinking.

Challenge negative thoughts: Ask yourself if negative thoughts are based on facts or exaggerated.

Embrace your fears: Some things will always be out of your control. Learning to accept this can go a long way toward curbing overthinking.

Practice mindfulness: Focus on the present moment and let go of worries about the past or future.

Set a "worry time": Designate a specific time to worry, and avoid worrying outside of that time.

Distract yourself: Find a positive alternative to overthinking, such as going for a walk or playing with a pet. You could also try listening to music,or watching a reality TV show.

Take action: Focus on taking small steps towards solving problems rather than getting bogged down in thoughts.

Take a deep breath: The next time you find yourself tossing and turning over your thoughts, try closing your eyes and breathing deeply.

Seek social support: Talk to a friend or loved one to gain perspective and feel supported.

Remember, stopping overthinking takes time and practice, but with persistence and patience, you can develop healthier thinking habits!